Friday, November 16, 2012

Original Introduction: God's Little Girl

Keeping this introduction in the revived blog because I am still His little girl.

When trying to title this blog I knew I wanted to title to say who I was and reflect what this blog would be. I’ve mostly explained what this blog would be in the first post, my thoughts. Now, who am I? One could be lead to thinking I'm trying to be or copy St. Therese because obviously my blog address and quote are hers, even my second post is entirely hers but, I am not her. I love St. Therese of Lisieux, she is my spiritual big sister after all, and I adore and admire my big sister, (in reality I don't have an older sister I am the oldest) but at the same time I want to be different. I desire to be the little saint that is me! I only come to know who I am in God. He is my ever loving affectionate Father, and I am His little girl.
One evening outside of church Fr. Michael Sullivan had told me I reminded him of St. Therese of Lisieux which lead me in to reading her book and discovering my big sister who had been with me even before then. (I portrayed her in our 3rd grade All Saints Day presentation) Another evening he and I were on a walk for spiritual direction and he was trying figure out what my image of me was and trying to get me to see who I am in God's eyes. He told me about a little girl who is with her dad at a carnival and she wants the teddy bear and the lollipop. She points to them without hesitating just expecting them to be hers, and her dad gets them for her simply because she is endearing to Him and He loves her. I responded to Fr. Michael laughing, she’s one of those little girls, she’s cute and she knows it. He just beamed at me and said that’s it Alyson, that’s who you are, who you are meant to be.
Now at the time I had a hard time grasping and understanding that but since then as I’ve grown spiritually, God has helped me to see this reality. I am God’s cute little girl. In His own eyes I’m very endearing. I am His and He loves me, and I know He loves me, I know He finds me endearing. There are many occasions I just beam thinking wow God, really you’re doing this for me? Do I deserve it? No, but He loves me. I’m not a spoiled little girl because He loves me, rather I am a very blessed little girl. He blesses me and gives me gifts simply because I’m His little girl and He loves me. I am quite content and happy as His little girl, just a small face with big brown eyes gazing up at Him gazing down upon me, loving me.
This is what my term, “Holy Boldness” is all about. It’s about knowing who you are in God, and being confident in that and in that confidence knowing that you are loved by God. It’s about knowing that great and wonderful things have been planned and are desired for you simply because you are His and He loves you. What good Dad doesn’t have big plans for His little one?  It’s about having faith and confidence with out hesitation in what God can and will do for me. John 3:16 My Father will do anything for me, even die for His little girl. It’s about not being afraid to walk along side God, holding His hand and telling Him how He loves me and how wonderful the things are He has done for me. It’s also about quietly just letting Him hold me and love me. I’m His little girl and sometimes I make messes, I wander or I’m not mindful. He ever patiently waits on me and calls me back. His love for me and seeing me as His endearing little girl never ceases. I am little and by no means at all a rose, but I am just as lovely in the eyes of God my creator.