Wednesday, August 14, 2013


… today I read a post comparing different “entities.” It bothered me because only based off of internet knowledge and not a personal knowledge of each entity, it lead to an inference of which was “better.” Naturally I wanted to justify why the one I identify with is better, but I realized there really isn’t a need to do that, and I’d be falling into the same fault, making a comparison to justify why one was better.
This lead me to reflect on humility and pride in the realm of comparisons. First of all pride isn’t a sin when it is being genuinely happy with who you are, respecting values and good morals of your personal character. It's even good to be happy for ourselves, another, or some entity we idnetify with.

However, If our pride, self praise begins as “wow look we really do a lot of good,” and leads us to thinking “therefore we are better or more right than them” then we are falling into a sinful form of pride.

True humility is not making comparisons. It doesn’t mean making yourself less than everyone and everything nor does it mean putting yourself above everyone or everything. Humility is knowing where you stand and being confident in the truth of that. Furthermore it is acknowledging God is superior and the origin of all the good in you. In response to that knowledge of truth you then to the fullest give Him all glory and praise in all things, with that good He has made in who you are. Rather than trying to “know ” or “prove”yourself or another by making comparisons, know that who we all are at the deepest level only exists in Christ. NO comparisons necessary.

“For through the law I died to the law, that I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ;yet I live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me; insofar as I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God who has loved me and given himself up for me.” Galations 2:19&20