Saturday, January 5, 2013


           On January 9th I will have been discerning a religious vocation for two years. At this point there still isn't a sure direction I can see God is leading me down. His ways are mysterious and I have faith we're going somewhere. A lot has been weighing heavily on my mind, as I think about these past two years. I think about truths I’ve discovered and proclaimed in my discernment. You know what the neat thing about a truth is that it’s always true no matter what. Even if my discernment leads me not to a convent, but to marriage, these things will still be true.

God loves us unconditionally and unceasingly. He is the only one we can truly depend on and rest our entire hearts in.

I will always be God's precious little girl whom He adores and desires to love and bless me generously.

Our Lord will never be outdone in generosity.

Jesus will always be the perfect guy for me, and He is an Aggie :) No Aggie Catholic guy could ever change that even if I did marry one.

My vocation is to be holy and to give of my whole self to God in giving of myself to others.

My greatest joy and peace is found in God’s presence.
My  heart will always be restless until it rests in God's heart, His hands. (St. Augustine)

Christ wants me for Himself first. We’re all asked to give our hearts ultimately to Him first before others.

The Lord truly generously loves me and He has even shown me this through others.

To live a life centered on the Eucharist is really living.

God is calling all of us, married, single, consecrated, to “Be His Voice.”

I’m never enough on my own. God makes me enough.

Our Lord is always here to dry my tears and calm my fears.

Our greatest achievement, what it truly means to be successful, is having a heart open enough to be everything God asks of you specifically.

Saints do ordinary things with extraordinary love.

To be holy means to take up your cross and follow Christ, to practice true selflessness and humility, before God.

Joy and peace comes with complete trust and faith in God’s plans.