Friday, November 16, 2012

Foreward: and backward and forward again!

What this blog is:

           I began this blog November of 2012 thinking it would motivate me to reflect and write a little more. Well that didn't exactly happen because I had such a narrow vision of what I wanted this blog to be. It's title had been "Thought's of God's Little Girl" the URL was "" The first entries were reflecting on St. Therese's little flower analogy. So it was really based upon and inspired by my devotion to St. Therese. A priest once tolde me "you will write like her, this will be you one day" referring to her reflections, poems but mostly to her letters she wrote to her family, and priest friends entrusted to her prayers. That kind of set the tone for my blog. I wanted to write up to par with St. Therese or atleast keep it that meaningful. This I think really restricted me and kept me from posting because well I'm not up to par with this great saint and doctor of the church! My posts clearly were never up to par with St. Therese and that kept me from freely posting. I have yet to get there! Which made me think of another one of St. Therese's analogies of the little wet bird. I can definitely identify with this one and I'll write more on that later. So now I've come back to revive this blog and move forward again!

Here's a few things from the original "Forward." 

 This blog is being started as an outlet for writing. I enjoy writing whether it’s a reflection, a paper, or a letter to someone. Often my reflections and papers in my mind are like writing a letter to someone. I try to write it in a way that thoroughly lays it all out well enough for someone not there, not experiencing what I’m experiencing, to as fully as they can grasp what’s going through my mind. Therefore I can be a bit prolific.
           I'm prefering to use a blog and type rather than a hand written journal because of the way my mind works. I go in circles as I think deeper, refining prior thoughts and such as I go. I like that I can erase a line and retype it to more closely describe what I'm thinking and it wont leave grey smudges. A lot goes through my mind. I’m constantly thinking. Someone once told me that’s what happens when you have a high metabolism. I don’t know about that. It’s true though I can’t ever stop or just have a blank mind. One thing leads to several other tangents I could go on. In fact when I sat to write this description, I meat to say a couple things in a few sentences and be done. Now I have a paragraph!

Yes this picture (not drawn by me) perfectly explains my thought process!
          These are my purposes for writing. 1. To give God glory in the gift of my prolific writing/thinking abilities that He has blessed me with. 2. To give God glory in sharing His love through what I write.
           With all that being said almost every spiritual director in my past has asked me, or suggested to me that I keep a journal of my thoughts. Regretfully mostly out of laziness I never did. There are a few things here and there because I used to email them all to one director. I got to thinking though God did give me a gift in being a writer and I'm not using it, not giving Him the greatest glory, and I'm trying to seek His will in my life. Can't really understand His will when we're not using the tools and gifts we know He's given us. So there, in a nutshell, thats why I've decided to go ahead and start (and re-start) this blog.